Simulated historical boxing matchups using
Title Bout Championship Boxing game by TBCB

2021 Heavyweight Boxing Legends Title bout
Muhammad Ali def Jack Johnson
Fight stopped 30 seconds into First round because of cut

Legends League Heavyweight all-time greats tournament 1st round
matchups :
(1) Muhammad Ali vs (16) Jersey Joe Walcott
(2) Rocky Marciano vs (15) Gene Tunney
(3) Joe Louis vs (14) Ezzard Charles
(4) Jack Dempsey vs (13) George Foreman
(5) Sonny Liston vs (12) Evander Holyfield
(6) Jack Johnson vs (11) Larry Holmes
(7) Lennox Lewis vs (10) Joe Frazier
( 8 ) Mike Tyson vs (9) James Jeffries

2024 Middleweight Boxing Legends Title Bout
Sugar Ray Robinson def "Marvelous" Marvin Hagler
Unanimous decision 98-96
2022 Middleweight Boxing Legends Title bout
Sugar Ray Robinson def Harry Greb
Unanimous decision 99-92

2021 Middleweight Boxing Legends Title bout
Harry Greb def Sugar Ray Robinson
Unanimous decision

The greatest middleweight boxers tournament
First round matchups:
(1) Sugar Ray Robinson vs ( 8 ) Rubin "Hurricane" Carter
(2) "Marvelous" Marvin Hagler vs (7) Jake Lamotta
(3) Carlos Monzon vs (6) Dick Tiger
(4) Harry Greb vs (5) Stanley Ketchel